Health & Wellness

Quality care, resident satisfaction, and employee engagement are key criteria for any potential owner
Memorial Health has decided to begin the search for potential new owners who may be interested in purchasing Memorial Gables, the organization’s nursing home that offers skilled, intermediate, and dementia care. This announcement comes after months of discussions with the Memorial Health Board of Trustees about the future strategic direction of Memorial Health. The Union County Commissioners are also providing guidance in the exploration process as the facility is owned by the county who, for decades, has engaged Memorial Health to provide operational oversight.
Nationally, hospitals have begun reevaluating the services they provide to ensure patients receive the best and highest quality care across the health continuum. Additionally, aging care communities across the country continue to face increased financial difficulties and Memorial Gables is no exception, reporting significant losses.
“I have seen the special nature of The Gables since I arrived in 2004,” said Memorial Health President & CEO Chip Hubbs. “Our residents deserve the highest quality care and improvements that only an expert in nursing home operations can provide.”
“Residents at Memorial Gables are like family and their caregivers are instrumental in their health and healing,” said Memorial Health Board of Trustees Chairperson Emily Wieringa. “Our desire in seeking a new owner is driven by the belief that we will be a better facility, employees will be more satisfied, and patients will continue to receive great care with an expert in nursing home operations at the helm.”
“Finding a new owner who is collaborative, believes in the quality work we do here, and ultimately wants to serve our community is the right next step for healthcare in Union County,” said President of the Board of Union County Commissioners Steve Robinson.
Searches of this nature take time and Memorial Health emphasizes they will only consider owners who will be committed to preserving the current workforce serving Memorial Gables and to maintaining the location as a senior living facility.
Nothing changes for residents or employees during this search. New ownership explorations often take many months, and after a partner is found there are extensive discussions to be had before any agreement can be finalized.