Patient Experience
At Memorial Health, we provide compassionate, high-quality patient-focused care. Our goal is not to simply serve your care needs, but to provide an exceptional experience. We are committed to caring for, and about you.
Service is our top priority. We work as a team throughout the Memorial Health system to provide excellent medical care in an atmosphere that our patients will appreciate, and hopefully find remarkable.
Your feedback is important to our success. Patients at Memorial Health may receive a patient satisfaction survey, which we kindly ask that you complete. It is anonymous, and the information received is regularly shared with leaders and staff, and may be used to make changes that will further improve your future visits.
Recognizing staff is important to us. When a patient or visitor tells us about a physician or a staff member by name that individual is recognized across the health system. The most common ways the staff is recognized is through patient survey comments, “Applause Awards,” letters, or email messages.
If you have questions or information to discuss, contact our Patient Experience office at (937) 578-2355.
If you would like to specifically recognize an employee, please email our patient experience department at