Classes & Events
At one time, the hospital was a place you only went when you were sick. At Memorial Health, for decades we’ve been going out of our way to keep you well, too. Memorial was focused on wellness before wellness was cool. Today, we offer a wide range of classes that can help you learn to lower your blood pressure, have a safe and healthy birth, and stop smoking, to mention only a few.

At one time, the hospital was a place you only went when you were sick. At Memorial Health, for decades we’ve been going out of our way to keep you well, too. Memorial was focused on wellness before wellness was cool. Today, we offer a wide range of classes that can help you learn to lower your blood pressure, have a safe and healthy birth, and stop smoking, to mention only a few.
If you are seeking CPR certification through the American Heart Association, please contact (937) 578-4348 or amy.hunt@memorialohio.com.