Health & Wellness

Memorial Hospital was recently recognized by the National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program as a Gold Certified Safe Sleep Hospital for their commitment to best practices and education on infant safe sleep.
Created by Cribs for Kids®, a national infant safe sleep organization, this program awards recognition to hospitals that demonstrate a commitment to reducing infant, sleep-related deaths by promoting and educating on best safe sleep practices recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
Sudden unexpected infant death (SUID, formerly known as SIDS) is a term used to describe the sudden and unforeseen death of a baby younger than one year old when the cause is not specifically known. These deaths often happen while the baby is sleeping, and investigation often reveals that the baby was not able to breathe properly in their crib or other sleep environment.
“Sleep-Related Death (SRD) results in the loss of more than 3,500 infants every year in the U.S.,” said Michael H. Goodstein, M.D., neonatologist and medical director of research at Cribs for Kids. “The Cribs for Kids Hospital Certification Program is designed to recognize those hospitals that are taking an active role in reducing these preventable deaths.”
“We are on a mission – a mission to share safe sleep tips for the precious infants in our lives,” shares Teri Heard, Director of Obstetrics at Memorial Hospital. “Learning about safe sleep for babies is important for all caregivers, including grandparents, other family members, babysitters, childcare providers, and anyone else who might care for them.”
Those interested in learning more can access additional safe sleep tips as well as helpful videos at
Memorial also offers a board-certified lactation consultant who can provide continual guidance and tips. Mothers, fathers, and partners are encouraged to learn the importance of breastfeeding and how best to support nursing efforts. For more information, the Memorial Miracle Life Center can be reached at (937) 578-2329.