Health & Wellness

Nine Steps for Safe Sleep
1. Always place your baby to sleep on their back on a firm sleep surface.
2. Never dress your baby too warmly for sleep; keep room temperature comfortable for an adult.
3. Dress your baby in a one-piece sleeper or wearable blanket instead of loose blankets.
4. Share the room, not the bed. Your baby should only sleep in a crib, bassinet, or portable play yard.
5. Remove all soft bedding, bumpers, and toys from your baby’s sleep area. Use only a tight fitted sheet.
6. Do not expose your baby to smoke of any kind. Remember, cigarette and other smoke can linger on clothing.
7. Visit your baby’s pediatrician regularly and stay up-to-date on your baby’s immunizations.
8. Breastfeed if possible. Breastfeeding lowers your baby’s risk of SUID by 50%.
9. Offer a pacifier when putting your baby to sleep. If breastfeeding, offer a pacifier after one month.
Follow the ABC’s for Safe Sleep
Alone – baby sleeps alone, without other objects, caregivers, or siblings
Back – baby sleeps on his/her back
Crib – baby sleeps in his/her own sleeping space, such as a crib or a bassinet
We are on a mission – a mission to share safe sleep tips for the precious infants in our lives.
You see, Memorial has been officially recognized by the National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program as a Silver Certified Hospital, with a goal to be Gold Certified in 2023.
Created by Cribs for Kids®, a national infant safe sleep organization, this program awards recognition to hospitals that demonstrate a commitment to reducing infant, sleep-related deaths by promoting and educating on best safe sleep practices recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
Sudden unexpected infant death (SUID, formerly known as SIDS) is a term used to describe the sudden and unforeseen death of a baby younger than one year old when the cause is not specifically known. These deaths often happen while the baby is sleeping, and investigation often reveals that the baby was not able to breathe properly in their crib or other sleep environment.
Learning about safe sleep for babies is important for all caregivers, including grandparents, other family members, babysitters, childcare providers, and anyone else who might care for them.
Ready to learn more?Click here to access additional tips as well as helpful videos.
Our team is also here for you and your baby with breastfeeding expertise! Memorial has a board-certified lactation consultant who can provide continual guidance and tips. We are here to help mothers and fathers/partners understand the importance of breastfeeding and support your efforts, every step of the way! Let us know how we can help – call the Memorial Miracle Life Center at (937) 578-2329.
Hear from Our Moms!
“This was my second C-section at Memorial and I have had two great experiences.”
“Every nurse was very helpful and supportive of my choices and my feelings.”
“I cannot thank the nurses enough for all they did to get me through my first delivery. Thanks to you, all my fears were eased. And we have a healthy baby!”