Billing & Payment
Navigating insurance coverage and billing.

The information provided through the Memorial Hospital Service Pricing Estimate link below is a comprehensive list of charges for each inpatient and outpatient service provided by the hospital. It is a helpful tool for patients to comparison shop between hospitals or estimate what health care services are going to cost them out of their own pocket. Please reference the Chargemaster FAQ below for additional information regarding the cost of services. For more information about the cost of your care, or for a personalized estimate for a specific service, please contact our Patient Financial Services staff at (937) 578-2708.
Memorial Hospital Service Pricing Estimate
Memorial Hospital Standard Charges 2025
Additional Resources:
Surprise Billing Rights & Protections Disclosure

The bill you will receive covers many aspects of your hospital care – nursing care, lab testing, radiology medications, etc. You will receive a separate bill for physicians, other medical specialists. or other Memorial services.
If you have questions after you receive your bill, please call (937) 578-2708 or toll free at (800) 686-4677 between the hours of 8 am and 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.

As a courtesy to you, Memorial Hospital will file an insurance claim with your insurance carrier(s). It is important that you provide accurate and complete insurance information at the time of registration. Unpaid balances, including all applicable deductibles, co-payments, and any non-covered services, are the responsibility of the patient and must be paid within 30 days upon receipt of the statement. If you are unable to pay your balance in full, payment arrangements must be established on the account by calling (937) 578-2210 or toll free at (800) 686-4677.
Memorial Hospital also offers financial assistance to patients that qualify; free-care is available through the Hospital Care Assurance Program (HCAP). The hospital also offers hospital-based financial assistance through its own program which allows discounts based on income and family size up to 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
Please mail bill payments to:
Memorial Hospital
P.O. Box 931316
Cleveland, OH 44193-1316
or click here to pay online.

Billing for self-Administered drugs
During the course of outpatient treatment, you may be given medication Medicare considers self-administered. Medicare defines these as medication the patient could, in another setting, take themselves, and may include tablets, drops, inhalants, and some injectable drugs.
In order to remain compliant with Medicare regulations related to billing of these drugs, the hospital is required to submit these self-administered drugs as non-covered items on our billing to Medicare. Once Medicare (and any other insurers you may have), have made payment to us, you will receive a bill from Memorial Hospital. In addition to any deductible and co-insurance due, this bill will reflect the charges for unpaid self-administered drugs, and payment for these items is expected from the patient. Some Part D Plans may reimburse the patient for the self-administered drugs. You will need to contact your Part D carrier for information on how to submit a claim.
Please contact Patient Financial Services at (937) 578-2708 with any questions.