Set-Up A Payment Plan
Payment plans for outstanding balances can be set up quickly and easily right from your MyChart® account – let’s get started!
- From the Welcome screen, click on “Menu” and scroll down to “Billing” – select “Billing Summary.” You can also click “View details” on any current invoice that is due.
- Now, look for the message that says, “Can’t pay all at once?” Click the “Set up payment plan” button.
- This will take you to the “Sign Up for a Payment Plan.”
- Choose a monthly payment amount. The system will calculate a minimum payment based on your outstanding balance. You may choose this amount or a higher payment amount.
- Choose which day of the month (1-31) you would like your payments to be made. The system will calculate the number of payments for you.
- Next step, choose your payment method and review your plan.
- Your payment plan will now be confirmed with you.
- Once your plan is active, you may make updates but may not remove previously added balances. Only your current outstanding balance will be included in your payment plan. You will need to update your plan if you want to include future balances. If you need to end your plan, send a message to customer service.
Questions or need assistance? If you have any questions, you can contact a Patient Financial Services Representative at (937) 578-2708 or 1-800-686-4677 ext. 2708.